“The service runs very smoothly, might have expected a few more difficulties transitioning to a professional trustee.”
“I learnt more than I expected to at the trustee training course. A good introduction to the trustee role.”
“We have a good partnership the team really understand what we need and our knowledge eg budgets - "we don't have a referee" - very helpful. Challenge advisers but with a practical objective. Thanks to PSGS, GMP equalisation has been just a process. ”
“Alex is the first professional trustee we have had and has revolutionised the way they look at things - helped above and beyond.”
“As a pensions novice, I felt that the trustee training course gave me a good grounding.”
“Extremely personable and professional.”
17 Jun 2021
When responding to The Pensions Regulator’s single code of governance consultation, we noted the clear (and positive) intent to crystalise ESG and climate change considerations on trustees. However, on the face...
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Vidett is a trading name of Vidett Governance Services Limited, Vidett Trust Corporation Limited & Vidett HRT Limited
Registered in England and Wales numbers 3021321, 10842337 & 745598
Registered office: 3rd Floor Forbury Works, 37-43 Blagrave Street, Reading, RG1 1PZ