“Ever increasing regulation has placed a heavy burden on trustees both in terms of time and the risk of non-compliance. PSGS has the experience and the resources to help trustees manage these burdens.”
“Very happy with PSGS as an organisation and that opinion is derived from the performance of those that represent them.”
“Ann is very proactive and ensures we address all issues well ahead of time and extremely efficiently.”
“Alex is the first professional trustee we have had and has revolutionised the way they look at things - helped above and beyond.”
“The Trustee training was very interactive and the presenters were engaging - thank you.”
“Colin has provided invaluable support to me in my role as Chair Trustee.”
27 Aug 2019
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) made trustee board effectiveness central to good pension scheme governance. We wanted to find out how far pension trustees have come on their effectiveness journey. The three...
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Vidett is a trading name of Vidett Governance Services Limited, Vidett Trust Corporation Limited & Vidett HRT Limited
Registered in England and Wales numbers 3021321, 10842337 & 745598
Registered office: 3rd Floor Forbury Works, 37-43 Blagrave Street, Reading, RG1 1PZ