Client feedback

In any major corporate transaction, time is of the essence. PSGS's pragmatic commercial approach helped us manage the pensions aspects of our group re-structure to ensure a positive outcome for all parties.
David Wilman,
CFO at Survitec Group
I wanted to look at the effectiveness of our trustee board, so Gillian, our PSGS scheme secretary, provided their trustee self-assessment tool to help me gather thoughts and opinions from others on the board. The tool was extremely easy to use and asked all the right questions to help me collect the information I needed as Trustee Chair. It is a great example of the way PSGS shares knowledge with their clients and makes dealing with key governance issues easy. As well as enabling me to meet one of the Regulator’s 21st century trusteeship requirements, using the tool has flagged trustee training needs and ways we could improve trustee meetings further.
Claire Silvester,
Vector Aerospace
The work that has been done has been delivered beyond expectations.
Head of Trustee Services
​Their pragmatic approach helps with quick and easy decision making. Another approach might have made things more difficult.
Mark Assinder,
Excellent support leading fiduciary management tender and availability during difficult pandemic period. Pragmatic, helpful approach and lovely to deal with.
Mark Berry ,
Ann is very proactive and ensures we address all issues well ahead of time and extremely efficiently.
Ian Edwards,

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Trustee Knowledge & Understanding (TKU)
Thursday, 8 February 2018 9:00 AM London

Call: 0118 207 2900

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